Farah Galvez has been a leader and positive influencer in our community for the longest time. Whether it is her service as PTA President or volunteer for our various Scotts Valley Schools or her work as a volunteer on many other community projects, her work does not stop.

Recently, Farah brought the AFSP Out of the Darkness Walk to Scotts Valley’s Skypark. The walk is all over the country and Farah wanted to bring it to our community in an effort to fight suicide as Farah lost one of her sons to suicide in 2022. It is truly powerful to see someone experience such tragic loss and turn it into a venue for helping others.

Scroll down this page and watch her interview on the MSV Sunday Conversation.

Before coming to Scotts Valley, where did you live?

Before coming to Scotts Vally, 15 years ago, we lived in North East San Jose.

What brought you to Scotts Valley and how long have you lived here?

With all the expansion and building going on in San Jose, we decided that we wanted a “small town” to raise our two boys – a safe, quiet and close-knit community. So, we moved our business (GoboSource.com), the dog, the cat and of course the two boys over highway 17 to this wonderful community.

What do you love most about living here?

I LOVE MY VILLAGE!  This community has been a haven for me and my family.  Especially after our oldest son, Trevor, died. You know, I’m a true believer in “you get what you give” .  In this community, it has been very satisfying – doing good work with the schools and with the community in general, it benefits “all” of us and that’s real progress.

Please describe what drives and motivates you to do more for others and for the people of Scotts Valley.

Throughout the years, I have been on every PTA board and Parent Group from Vine Hill, Scotts Valley Middle School and Scotts Valley High School.  I find working with my fellow parents, teachers and staff to the benefit of our children has always been a priority for me. My favorite volunteer position is, and always will be, “room mom”. I truly enjoy the volunteering. It’s chicken soup for my soul.

In 2022, my oldest son Trevor died from suicide which is a direct by product of a mental health issue called depression.  Out of tragedy I found a group called the American Foundation Of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) – a national organization committed to survivorship support, crisis support and research.  Last September 2023, in honor of my son Trevor’s memory, I organized and brought to Santa Cruz County, the first ever, AFSP Out Of The Darkness Walk.  It is a “walk” to fight suicide.

These walks happen all over the country.  Trevor grew up in Scotts Valley and I felt it “right” to bring the walk to Skypark where he spent many hours at the skatepark and soccer practices and games.  Where we had birthday parties and so many sweet memories of him growing up here. I miss him every day, but I have my younger son, Wesley, who I am blessed with to be with me on this journey.

Cherish your time with your children. Give them grace and let them be kids. Support them even when you feel like you are at wits end, they are still here on this Earth and cherish that.