On 09-25-15, Law Enforcement Officers will be turning their “Police in Pursuit” race cars over to their significant others at the Ocean Speedway in Watsonville.
The Ladies will be racing to raise money for the Rettland Foundation, http://rettland.org/
The race, titled “Claire’s Race,” is for Claire who is a 4th grader at Brook Knoll Elementary who has a rare genetic disorder, Rett Syndrome. She was born a healthy little girl that loved to laugh and play. After her first birthday, she couldn’t pull to stand. By the time she was 2, doctors discovered she had Rett Syndrome. Soon after that she fed herself for the last time and quickly lost all hand use as well as the ability to speak.
While there is currently no treatment for Rett Syndrome, with recent research there is great hope that can change soon. The Rettland Foundation helps reduce the financial burden of participating in trials and seeks to support families in this challenging process.
Rettland Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible, our Tax ID is 46-4291837
You can help by visiting http://rettland.org/police-pursuit/ and donating to one or more of the ladies who have been watching the races all year long and now have an opportunity to get behind the wheel for a worthy cause.