The First Annual Brook Knoll Elementary Read-A-Thon was a great success!! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and supported our fundraising efforts. The positive feedback has been tremendous and we are looking forward to another Read-A-Thon fundraiser next school year!
Our Read-A-Thon would not have been possible without our Adopt-A-Class Sponsors, Guest Readers, Read-A-Thon Coordinating Team, Fabulous Teachers, Awesome Administration, and of course, our Amazing Students!
We would like to acknowledge our Adopt-A-Class sponsors and readers:
Jim Reed, Scotts Valley Mayor
Dan Grebil, Scotts Valley Fire Chief
Mark Stone, Assemblymember District 29
Bruce McPherson, Supervisor Fifth District
Bill Monning, California State Senator
Jim Hart, Sheriff Elect
Jeremy Verinsky, Chief Deputy
Santa Cruz Sheriff’s Office
Kim Shultz, Scotts Valley School Board Member
Sue Roth, Scotts Valley School Board Member
John Abel, Scotts Valley School Board Member
Rhonda McEntee, Scotts Valley School District Mathematics Coach
Patricia Dyc-O’Neal, Independent Studies
“Baby Girl,” Santa Cruz Derby Girls
Vanessa Chamberlain, Brook Knoll Parent
Dr. Ariana Ebrahimian, DDS
Dr. Jonathon Wagner, DDS
Rebecca Finn, Local David Lyng Realtor
Lance Thornley
Marlene Corder
If you have an opportunity to use their services and/or tell them Thank You, please do! We are so grateful to each and every one of them and our fundraiser simply would not have been the same without them.
Our School * Our Students * Our Community – One Connection
Heather Warner
Brook Knoll Eagle Connection President and 2014 Read-A-Thon Chairperson