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Business Name
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Business Phone Number
9 Camp Evers Ln
City, State, Zip
Scotts Valley, CA 95003
Short Business Description
New and pre-owned children’s items. We carry toys, books, shoes, clothes, and more!
Long Business Description
Welcome to Brooke's Resale Boutique, where style meets sustainability! At our children's resale boutique, we're committed to offering a wide selection of high-quality, gently used children's clothing, shoes, toys, and accessories that are not only fashionable but also eco-friendly.
We believe in the power of second-hand shopping to make a positive impact on the environment. By choosing pre-loved items, you're not only giving these treasures a new home but also reducing the demand for new manufacturing and saving precious resources. Every purchase you make here contributes to the preservation of our planet for future generations.
At the moment, we are only accepting donations for our store. Textile recycling is our main goal.
Business Hours
Saturday- Wednesday 10-3
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