Advisory Council of Teens (ACT) is the SCPL young adult advisory group. ACT is open to all young adults in Scotts Valley and the San Lorenzo Valley. The main focus of the ACT is young adult services, including programs, events, spaces, and policies. This is a good opportunity for students to fulfill community service credits, obtain job skills, develop leadership abilities, and acquire college extracurricular experience. Also, ACT is a great outlet to meet great friends and most importantly, have fun with other like minded individuals.
Questions? Contact Iván T. Llamas (
ACT es un consejo asesor para adolescentes que seenfocan en expresar sus pensamientos, y opiniones sobrelas actividades o programas de las Bibliotecas Públicas de Santa Cruz. Y al mismo tiempo, ACT ayudan a proponerfuturo servicios y programas para adolescentes. ¡ Obtenga créditos de servicio comunitario!
Abierto a todo los jóvenes!
Preguntas, contacte a Iván T. Llamas (