Triple P Workshop: Developing Good Bedtime Routines

Live Oak Community Resources 1740 17th Ave, Santa Cruz

Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • Common reasons why children have difficulty going to bed and sleeping through the night • How to create peaceful bedtime routines that work for the whole family • Tips to help children develop healthy sleep habits Presented IN ENGLISH. Location: Live Oak Community Resources, 1740 17th Ave, […]


Triple P Workshop: Guide Your Child Through Bullying with Confidence

La Manzana Community Resources 18 W. Lake Ave, Suite E, Watsonville

Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • How to recognize different types of bullying • Common reasons why children bully others • What you can do if your child is being bullied To register visit: Register to reserve your spot and get free child care. Light snacks will be provided. Got questions? Contact […]


Taller Triple P: Desarrollando buenas rutinas a la hora de dormir

Mountain Community Resources 6134 Highway 9, Felton, CA, United States

Asista a este taller GRATUITO de crianza para aprender: • Razones comunes del por qué los niño/as tienen dificultad a la hora de ir a la cama y dormir toda la noche • Cómo crear rutinas tranquilas que funcionan para toda la familia a la hora de dormir • Consejos para ayudar a los niños […]


Taller Triple P: Ayudando a los jóvenes a tratar con la ansiedad y la depresión

PVUSD Wellness Center 530 Palm Ave, Watsonville

**Por favor, note que esta clase está abierta sólo a familias con niños o adolescentes que asisten a Pajaro Valley Unified District** Asista a este taller GRATUITO de crianza para aprender: • Causas comunes y señales de la depresión y la ansiedad en los jóvenes • Qué hacer si cree que su joven se enfrenta […]


Seminario de Triple P: Conectando a los adolescentes

Live Oak Community Resources 1740 17th Ave, Santa Cruz

Inscríbase en: Asista para aprender como apoyar las conexiones sociales positivas de su adolescente fomentando la confianza, las habilidades sociales, la planificación, el compromiso, la comunicación regular y el cuidar de los demás. Lugar: Live Oak Recursos Comunitarios, 1740 17th Ave, Santa Cruz Presentado en español. Inscríbase para reservar su lugar y obtener el […]


Triple P Workshop: Foundations for Independence: Money and Work


Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Tips for teaching teens how to save and manage their money • How to help teens look for jobs that fit with their interests and schedules • How to decide when it feels right to ask teens to help pay for things at home Presented IN […]


Triple P Workshop: Helping Youth Navigate Anxiety

Felton Branch Library 6299 Gushee , Felton, CA, United States

Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • Common causes and signs of anxiety in teens • What to do if your teen is anxious • Tips for helping teens develop healthy coping skills To register visit: Location: Felton Public Library, 6121 Gushee St, Felton Lego program available next door for older kids, while […]


Stepping Stones Workshop: Morning & Bedtime Routines (For families with children with special needs)

Mountain Community Resources 6134 Highway 9, Felton, CA, United States

Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • How children with special needs benefit from having predictable routines • Tips for teaching your child to become more independent in their morning routine • Tips for creating healthy sleep habits and peaceful transitions at bedtime Location: Mountain Community Resources, 6134 Hwy 9, Felton To register visit: […]


Ben Lomond Tree Lighting Party

Ben Lomond Fire Department 9430 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond

Join us for the first-ever Ben Lomond Tree Lighting Party on Sunday, December 1, from 4-7 pm at the Ben Lomond Firehouse! This family-friendly event has free entry, with food, beverages, and activities available by donation. Festivities include kids’ ornament-making stations, holiday performances, and seasonal music from local musicians, all leading up to our exciting […]

$1 – $424

Volunteer at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park!

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park 101 Big Trees Park, Felton, CA, United States

Help Park staff clean up campgrounds after last season. Tasks include raking trails and campsites, blowing roads, cleaning out fire rings, cleaning and painting food lockers, creating slash piles or dispersing debris, and cleaning/sanding/staining tables as needed. We will pick up trash throughout the campground. This project helps ensure the campground is maintained during the […]

Friday’s at Five – Free Food Distribution For Anyone in Need

Gateway Bible Church 5000 Granite Creek Road, Scotts Valley, CA, United States

For anyone in need you will receive 2 bags of pre-packed food. No questions asked about the food, but know that we are here to chat with you if you want a listening ear or prayer. Please follow these Instructions: We no longer have the COVID drive-through, so please park in the Gravel Gateway Church […]