The Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency will host a public education session on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m., to inform the public about groundwater hydrology, management, and state regulations.

The free meeting is open to the public. The discussion will focus on three topics:

  • Groundwater Hydrology 101, an overview of fundamental hydrogeological terms and concepts needed for Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and groundwater modeling. Derrik Williams of HydroMetrics Water Resources, Inc., will lead the presentation.
  • Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin overview, presented by Santa Cruz County Water Resources Division Director John Ricker, will help attendees understanding the current state of the basin.
  • Introduction to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, led by Derrik Williams, will help explain new legislation and how it will affect residents of the basin.

Groundwater is the primary source of drinking water for residents living in the Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin boundary. Scotts Valley Water District, San Lorenzo Valley Water District, and Mount Hermon Association, as well as local businesses and residents using private wells, share the groundwater basin. Groundwater also is important to stream base flow in the summer months, supporting local steelhead and Coho salmon populations. Rainfall is the only source of recharge to the basin. The water districts and the County of Santa Cruz are working together on sustainable groundwater management to ensure reliable and resilient water systems.

The public workshop will be held in the Santa Margarita Community Room at the Scotts Valley Water District, 2 Civic Center Drive, Scotts Valley.

The Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency (SMGA) is a three-member agency comprised of the Scotts Valley Water District, San Lorenzo Valley Water District and the County of Santa Cruz, to oversee the groundwater management activities of the Santa Margarita Basin Area in Santa Cruz County, California. The agency was established in 2017. The Board of Directors of the SMGA includes two board members from each of the water districts and the County of Santa Cruz, one from the City of Scotts Valley, one from the City of Santa Cruz, one from the Mount Hermon Association Community Water System, and two private well owner representatives. Learn more at