April 16th, 2015 – This morning I met with the Water District GM’s for Scotts Valley & SLV as well as SV Water Conservation Coordinator, LeAnne Ravinale in a video interview to discuss the recent order by Gov Brown and what steps and restrictions ARE NOW IN PLACE for residents of Scotts Valley & SLV. The following video contains a lot of excellent information that was shared such as what days you can and CAN’T water, what is exempt from the restrictions, as well as the penalties.
Basically, if you live in either SV or SLV with an address ending in an EVEN #, you can ONLY water on Saturdays and Tuesdays. If your address ends with an odd #, you can ONLY water Sundays & Wednesdays. NO IRRIGATION WATERING ON MONDAYS, THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS. The only exceptions are vegetation being grown for human consumption and even then, please exercise restraint when watering your vegetable and fruit gardens.
But this is just a small portion of what we covered. We go over a lot of good info on everything including fines, the new water saving devices that they are giving away, etc. Just take a few minutes to educate yourself on what’s going on with our water situation. It’s pretty important stuff.
More information can also be found at the following websites:
*Scotts Valley – www.SVWD.org
*SLV – www.SLVWD.com
Robert Aldana