4444 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 5B
Scotts Valley, CA 95066-4529
(831) 438-1820 • FAX: (831)438-2314 •
Received February 27th, 2014
Dear SVUSD Families, Staff and Community Members:
I am writing to advise you that the northbound and southbound stop signs on Glenwood Drive at the intersection with Kerry Court and Casa Way are scheduled to be removed. We are informed that the signs will be removed on Saturday, March 1st. If weather impairs the work, the removal date will be moved to March 8th. The other two stop signs on Casa Way and Kerry Court will remain in place.
For some months school district officials and city representatives have been working together on traffic congestion and traffic routing issues on Glenwood Drive and the Casa Way neighborhood on the approach to Scotts Valley High School. A traffic safety committee was convened with representatives from the city, the police department, citizens presenting concerns and the school district.
A recommendation to remove two stop signs on Glenwood Drive to study the effect on traffic congestion during school hours was the consensus of the committee members and was forwarded last week at the Scotts Valley City Council meeting. Council Members voted to move forward with removing the signs while a study is conducted to determine what, if any, traffic measures are needed, i.e. reinstall the stop signs, speed bumps, etc. This study will be underway for the next couple of months and the issue will return to the City Council with the results of the study.
During the traffic study and every day, we ask that all drivers to our schools:
- Observe the 25 mile per hour speed limit;
- Watch for children and other pedestrians at all times;
- Plan extra time especially in inclement weather to get to school;
- Park only where permitted taking care not to block residents’ driveways;
- Walk on sidewalks or walking paths taking care not to disturb resident landscaping.
Thank you for your attention to the safety of our children and each other. I will keep you posted as information becomes available. If you have questions about this notice, please reply to me at
Penny Weaver
Penny Weaver, Superintendent