Taller Triple P: Cómo hablar con adolescentes sobre el uso de drogas

Taller Triple P: Cómo hablar con adolescentes sobre el uso de drogas

Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: • Cómo reconocer las señas de alerta que su adolescente quizás esté usando drogas • Consejos para hablar con los adolescentes y enseñar a ellos a resistir la influencia de sus compañeros a usar drogas • Que...
Triple P Seminar: Raising Resilient Children

Triple P Seminar: Raising Resilient Children

Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop and learn: • How to recognize warning signs that your teen might be using drugs • Tips for talking to teens and teaching them to resist peer pressure to use drugs • Steps to take if you think your teen is using drugs...
Triple P Seminar: Raising Resilient Children

Triple P Seminar: Raising Resilient Children

Attend this FREE virtual parenting seminar and learn how to help your children: • Express feelings appropriately • Build a positive outlook • Manage stressful life events Register here: https://bit.ly/Resilient-Jan25 Presented in English on Zoom. This Triple P Seminar...
Triple P Seminar: Raising Confident, Competent Children

Triple P Seminar: Raising Confident, Competent Children

Attend this FREE virtual parenting seminar and learn how to help your children: • Learn to treat others with respect • Have good communication and social skills • Develop healthy self-esteem Register here: https://bit.ly/Confident-Jan18 Presented in English on Zoom....
Triple P Seminar: The Power of Positive Parenting

Triple P Seminar: The Power of Positive Parenting

Attend this FREE virtual parenting seminar to learn how to: • Provide positive learning environments for children • Use assertive discipline • Have realistic expectations and take care of yourself Register here: https://bit.ly/Positive-Parenting-Jan11 Presented in...