Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • How children with special needs benefit from having predictable routines • Tips for teaching your child to become more independent in their morning routine • Tips for creating healthy sleep habits and peaceful...
Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • Common causes and signs of anxiety in teens • What to do if your teen is anxious • Tips for helping teens develop healthy coping skills To register visit: Location: Felton Public Library,...
Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: • Tips for teaching teens how to save and manage their money • How to help teens look for jobs that fit with their interests and schedules • How to decide when it feels right to ask teens to help pay for things at...
Inscríbase en: Asista para aprender como apoyar las conexiones sociales positivas de su adolescente fomentando la confianza, las habilidades sociales, la planificación, el compromiso, la comunicación regular y el cuidar de los demás....
** Please note that this class is open only to families with children or teens attending Pajaro Valley Unified District** Attend this FREE parenting workshop to learn: • Common causes and signs of depression and anxiety in youth • What to do if you think your child is...