Explore our spectacular tidepools with a State Parks interpreter or docent on this 1.5 hour guided tour. Bring layered clothing and good walking shoes. Pre–registration required at www.santacruzstateparks.as.me. Meet at the side porch of the visitor center. Children...
Important Capital Improvement Project Now Complete! The Scotts Valley Water District (SVWD) announced upgrades to the Orchard Run Water Treatment Plant that will improve water quality and plant efficiency are complete. Groundwater is the only source of drinking water...
Water mains are underground pipelines that distribute water to various users including residences, businesses and fire hydrants. Although the water entering the mains meets all state and federal standards, the pipelines must be regularly maintained to avoid...
Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency (SGMWA) held a board meeting Wednesday, Jan. 27, using hybrid (in-person and remote) format. At the meeting, the Board of Directors elected a new board chair and vice chair. Gail Mahood, a San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD)...
The Scotts Valley Water District’s Board of Directors made its community advisory positions within the board and its committees permanent roles and is actively recruiting for community members to serve on board committees. The SVWD Board of Directors launched two...