By Joyce Masongsong-Ray
Congratulations to all students who entered a project in Vine Hill’s 11th Annual Science Fair held on January 24th. We were impressed with all the amazing projects! It was great to see so many friends and families come out to support the kids. Thank you!
Many thanks to everyone who volunteered their valuable Saturday to make this fair a success. We couldn’t have done it without you! Judges included Ms. Ebert and Mr. Ebert, Mr. Andrews, Ms. Hoffman, Ms. Wilmoth, plus parents, students from the Scotts Valley IB program, and community members from the Scotts Valley Senior Center. Thanks to Brainstorm Science for sharing their reptile friends and Irvin Lindsey for the fun science show. The bake sale fundraiser for 5th grade science camp was a hit! Thank you for your donations!
Students competed in two divisions: Primary (K-3rd grade) and Elementary (4-5th grade), and the top ten projects will compete in the Santa Cruz County Science Fair, coming up on March 7th.
Congratulations go to this year’s Science Fair’s winners:
Elementary (4-5th Grade)
Honorable Mention: Jennifer & Emily Leishman – “Glue + Borax = Putty Fun”
Honorable Mention: Jordan Amadia – “How Much Power”
5th place: Sean Hober – “Desalination Station”
4th place: Elle Walters – “Keep It Cool”
3rd place: Peyton Pettyjohn – “On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!”
2nd place: Alex Baum, Naomy Licht, Siena Wong – “Save Your Energy, It’s a Food Fight!”
1st place: Nicole Amadia – “Egg Doesn’t Matter”
Primary Division (K-3rd Grade)
Honorable Mention: Emma Schmauch – “Who’s Smarter, Cats or Dogs?”
5th place: Harlan Hennager – “Growing Crystals”
4th place: Lyra Alers and Audrey Lewrenz – “Lift the Load”
3rd place: Patrick Ray – “Vinegar Pops”
2nd place: Betty Ray and Suzy Zwerling – “Absorbency”
1st place: Mia Keller – “Solar Powered Vs Battery Powered”
We look forward to next year’s Science Fair and encourage your student to enter a project! For more information on the Science Fair and how to join next year’s committee, email: