The people of Scotts Valley have spoken and have re-elected incumbents Donna Lind and Randy Johnson, and brought in Jack Dilles to the City Council, effectively ending the 12 year run for Dene Bustichi in the City Council.
Donna Lind captured 22.5% of the votes, followed by Randy Johnson at 21.49% and Jack Dilles at 20.64%, beating out Rosanna Herrera who came it at 18.46%. Dene Bustichi slipped to the #5 spot with a 16.75% vote.
Although a few votes remain to be counted, it is looking like the SVUSD have incumbents Michael Shulman (19.61%) and Kim Schultz (19.18%) being re-elected, with Sue Rains (17.94%) beating out incumbent Sue Roth (16.82%) in the 4 year seats.
Roger Snyder knocked it out of the park as expected with a 31.89% vote, with Corey Warner coming in at #2 with 24.07% for the 2 year seats.
And this is where it gets tricky as Stephanie Espinola, who stayed in the race despite media outlets reporting that she had dropped out of the race, has come on strong and as of the last report from the Santa Cruz County Elections Department posted at 12:47am, she was at 23.75%. At one point she was tied up with Warner, each with 1,676 votes at around 11:45pm last night. Which is crazy, and not good or bad crazy, just crazy that she did not really do any campaigning except for the beginning before taking a position with the SVUSD which then prohibited her from campaigning. Espinola has gone on record to state that if she were to win a seat at the SVUSD Board, that she would end her employment with the district and accept her new position.
Again, I am being told there are still a few more votes to be counted, but this is how things are shaping up to be.
In the Scotts Valley Fire District (3 seats), its looking like Daron L. Pisciotta wins with 30.98% of the votes, with Russ Patterson coming in second with 18.95% and Alan Smith coming in at 14.90%.