Step into the bustling town of River City as CYT Santa Cruz proudly presents this enchanting production of The Music Man Jr.! Set in the early 20th century, this classic American musical follows the charismatic and charming con artist Harold Hill as he sweeps into town, promising to form a boys’ marching band. But there’s a catch – he doesn’t know the first thing about music! As Hill spins his web of deceit, he encounters the skeptical town librarian, Marian Paroo, who sees through his ruse but finds herself inexplicably drawn to him. With catchy tunes, delightful choreography, and heartwarming moments, The Music Man Jr. showcases the transformative power of community, love, and the joy of making music together. Join us for an unforgettable journey filled with laughter, toe-tapping melodies, and the enduring spirit of small-town America!
Dates / Times:
Friday, Jul 21st @ 7:00pm
Saturday, Jul 22nd @ 2:00pm
Saturday, Jul 22nd @ 7:00pm
Sunday, Jul 23rd @ 12:00pm
Sunday, Jul 23rd @ 4:00pm
Tickets @ or at the door.