Step into the bustling town of River City as CYT Santa Cruz proudly presents this enchanting production of The Music Man Jr.! Set in the early 20th century, this classic American musical follows the charismatic and charming con artist Harold Hill as he sweeps into town, promising to form a boys’ marching band. But there’s […]
Step into the bustling town of River City as CYT Santa Cruz proudly presents this enchanting production of The Music Man Jr.! Set in the early 20th century, this classic American musical follows the charismatic and charming con artist Harold Hill as he sweeps into town, promising to form a boys’ marching band. But there’s […]
Step into the bustling town of River City as CYT Santa Cruz proudly presents this enchanting production of The Music Man Jr.! Set in the early 20th century, this classic American musical follows the charismatic and charming con artist Harold Hill as he sweeps into town, promising to form a boys’ marching band. But there’s […]
Step into the bustling town of River City as CYT Santa Cruz proudly presents this enchanting production of The Music Man Jr.! Set in the early 20th century, this classic American musical follows the charismatic and charming con artist Harold Hill as he sweeps into town, promising to form a boys’ marching band. But there’s […]
Step into the bustling town of River City as CYT Santa Cruz proudly presents this enchanting production of The Music Man Jr.! Set in the early 20th century, this classic American musical follows the charismatic and charming con artist Harold Hill as he sweeps into town, promising to form a boys’ marching band. But there’s […]
Step into the bustling town of River City as CYT Santa Cruz proudly presents this enchanting production of The Music Man Jr.! Set in the early 20th century, this classic American musical follows the charismatic and charming con artist Harold Hill as he sweeps into town, promising to form a boys’ marching band. But there’s […]
Step into the bustling town of River City as CYT Santa Cruz proudly presents this enchanting production of The Music Man Jr.! Set in the early 20th century, this classic American musical follows the charismatic and charming con artist Harold Hill as he sweeps into town, promising to form a boys’ marching band. But there’s […]