October 5th, 2014


Welcome to The Pulse of Scotts Valley where we will give updates on what’s happening in and around our town as it is reported on our My Scotts Valley Facebook page, and also as reported to us here on MyScottsValley.com.

Let’s get started, shall we?

New Faces and Places, and Goodbye’s

The pump track had it’s grand opening yesterday and I am bummed that I missed it as it appears to have been a great event! I am all for things like this as they only give our kids lots of things to do and anytime you can keep kids around sporting activities, its usually a good thing. Thumb’s up, high five, big hug and chest bump to all involved in the project.

Scotts Valley could be getting not one, but two more places to hang out and have a good lunch, maybe a good selection of beer and some entertainment as the Steel Bonnet Brewing Company and The Hop Head is working on opening up their places in the near future. Steel Bonnet has been working on the project for some time and is drawing lots of anticipation from the community. The Hop Head is a place I just found out about as I was in the shopping center and saw that the previous pizza place, Slices of Life Pizza had closed. Slices of Life Pizza did not last long and I hope that Jay Patel, the young man who is building the Hop Head brings a lot of new and exciting things to the menu and I wish him well. Super nice guy.

Several pizza places have had a tough time there and I am hoping the new place does well. Our town could use another entertainment place and the Victors Square Shopping Center could be entertainment central for our town. Hey, you never know!

Speaking of closing doors, I was bummed to see Dawgs close their doors as the owners put a lot of hard work into the place. It may be that people had a hard time paying $6 for a hot dog, I don’t know. They also did tacos and maybe burritos from what I hear. I wish the previous owner well in any new projects he may have up his sleeve.

BrendonYoumansSpeaking of goodbyes, this one really hurts as our town and community lost a wonderful young man, Brendon Youmans in a car accident and this past Saturday, October 4th, there was a celebration of his life. Rest in peace Brendon, you were taken way too fast.

Wish Lists

Since we are on the topic of new places, several ideas and conversations have been thrown about by the community and there are quite a few places on the wish list.

In-n-Out Burgers was recently a hot topic as Councilwoman Donna Lind said that the restaurant had stated that we could be one of the next places to get an In-n-Out. Not sure where it would go, but there could be some possibilities. It would need to be in an area that could handle traffic as In-n-Out is a popular place for people all over town, not just in Scotts Valley but even Santa Cruz and beyond. My guess is that it would take over a spot that already has a fast food restaurant, just wondering which one it would swallow up. I have my thoughts on where, but I will reserve that thought for now.

I have been told that Trader Joe’s was approached about opening up a store here in town but that they rejected the idea and one local has been lobbying to get signatures so that Trader Joe’s could reconsider. Will it work? Who knows. It got a lot of attention on our My Scotts Valley Facebook page and eventually more news agencies have been monitoring the progress of the petition.

I would not mind a TJ’s, but 4 grocery stores in our town could be a bit much. One of the three we currently have would have to go, its just logistics. I am not so sure any would leave, to be honest with you.

A lot of locals have voiced their concerns for having more businesses come to town. It is a double-edged sword however as businesses bring more dollars to our town, but also more traffic and congestion if not planned right.

With the Town Center being a topic for so many years that a lot of residents have lost hope of ever seeing one, they are turning to other solutions and businesses that could/should come here.

I for one think that the Town Center is more closer to reality than ever. It just seems like it is finally getting the traction it needs to get going.

There have been many public meetings by the builders of the town center and I think they have been great, but people want action and want to see it really happen. Kind of a bummer to see people lose hope like that over the project, I hope it really gets going. Our town needs and deserves it.

So is there any doubt, especially after the recent heatwaves that we need a community pool area? I posed the question and it got thousands of views, hundreds of likes and a lot of comments. Was it just the heat talking, or is there a real need for this? I am hearing that there have been plans in the past and even recent to put a pool in town that would be for the community and for the high school to use for various sports involving the need for a pool.

Heck, even Pro Scuba Center put their dibs in as to why one was needed when I talked about the new hotel that will be built on Scotts Valley Drive. Speaking of, I know that the Scotts Valley Hilton could use some more business in their restaurants, I am wondering what the new place will do to attract customers and how this whole thing all pans out. We will just have to wait and see.

Acknowledgments and High Fives

Major kudos to Dan Bowman and the entire staff and people of Gateway Bible Church for raising funds for the Ebola crisis in Liberia. Those people in Liberia have it rough and are either dying from the deadly disease of Ebola, or are dying of hunger because they are being secluded and quarantined with not much food being allowed to the area. It is truly a sad situation in that country.

Great job to Gateway for the vision and to Dan for spearheading it all. They got their 40,000 pounds of food and supplies including over $13,000 from the people of Scotts Valley who rallied to help out. Here is a video I did with Dan Bowman and Oscar James, the founder of Ahead Ministries who is also coordinating the shipment to the people who need it.


Major Props to Team G Foundation for raising over $6,000 on their bake sale. WOW! If you don’t know about Team G Foundation, you should. They are  great organization that works to raise awareness and fight children’s cancer in addition to lending a helping hand and comfort to families who have children who have battled cancer. Check out their website at www.TeamGFoundation.org and watch the following video I did with them last year. They also have an event called “Snow Day” here in Scotts Valley which was a major success last year in Skypark and had kids playing in the snow and having a great time, all while raising funds for a great cause. Look for it on our calendar soon as it comes for its third year in December.



It was great to see the community rally around Perry “David” Ralston Jr., a nice young man who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident. His post received over 14,000 views. lots of shares and more importantly, is helping raise funds for David as he battles not only the loss of his leg and how it will affect the rest of his life, but also the financial impact that it has had on him.

Not to be outdone, Scotts Valley Cycle Sport stepped up big time as Andrew Cavaletto donated a bicycle for a Scotts Valley local, Denise Collins Hitzeman who had been battling cancer and after one year of being chemo free, she is entering her first triathlon. When we posted the need on MSV FB page, Andrew immediately contacted the person and let her borrow a new bike to be used for the triathlon. Way to go Andrew!

Upcoming Elections

I am seeing more and more signs for the 3 candidates who are vying for 2 city council positions in the upcoming elections. Russ Patterson, the new-comer was first on the scene with his signs and then you started seeing Stephanie Aguilar’s signs pop up. And not to be outdone, current Mayor Jim Reed has come on strong with his signs all over town.

Here’s to a professional election, and may the best man and/or woman win!

That’s it for the first edition of the Pulse of Scott Valley. The Pulse of Scotts Valley is written to give everyone the latest on what is going on in and around our town. If you have a story or information to share, please contact us. We will check it out and report and share it as needed. And remember, sharing is caring.

Robert Aldana
Scotts Valley Resident since 1996
Publisher of MyScottsValley.com and Facebook.com/MyScottsValley

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