So much to do, so little time……this place is hopping!
First things first though, a reminder: YOUR ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE IS DUE NOW, JULY 1st.
This affordable sum of $20 per year, opens up a world of entertainment, resources and support. It allows you to enjoy discounted classes and activities and a monthly newsletter full of interesting “stuff” to keep you up to date on everything at the center and greater community.
July means that two of our favorite chefs will be cooking one of our favorite chicken dish; their Italian family recipe, and they are Harvey and Irene Bustichi. Marlene and her crew will be taking on the rest of it. Don’t forget to sign up early by July 15th.
We give a BIG thank you to Maria Masila from Kenya. She was our guest speaker for Armchair Topics in May where she talked about her beloved homeland, its beauty and challenges, taught us about her culture and regaled us with humorous anecdotes from family and community life experiences. A “Thank You” also goes to Marlene for experimenting with Kenyan cuisine thus providing the group with some tempting morsels.
Please join me for Armchair Topics this month for “Every Life Tells A Story”. I want you to come and share your personal story, highs, lows, experiences, goals, regrets, bucket list items, lessons learned and much more. It will be a great conversation!
An enormous THANK YOU goes out to members Evelyn Anderson, Charlie Behrans, Rosanna Wright and Bellermine Prep School student, Oli Hoyt for all their HARD work and team spirit in helping me put on the 2014 Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. I could not ask my regular volunteers for help and these four folks stepped up to the plate to help! I would also like to thank and acknowledge Sally Williams who provided the lovely favors for the event in honor of her mother, Marjorie Williams, one of our “snow bird” members. We were honored to have Council Member, Donna Lind and Chief John Weiss attend.
The August Flea Market is almost here. Board member Terri Ritche is chairing this event. It is time to prepare to de-clutter your homes. Our center’s flea market is on Sunday, August 3rd! We are taking signups if you would like a booth and we are also looking for volunteers to help with the event. Don’t forget to stop by and have a delicious polish dog and other goodies with us!
My final reminder is for all of our members to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do your bit to keep our center tidy and clean. Please put furniture and items back in their places. This continues to be one of my biggest challenges and your cooperation is really needed and much appreciated.
Until Next time ~
Darshana Croskrey
Click here to download and read the July 2014 SVSC Newsletter