Tech Talks: All About Photos (Android)

Santa Cruz Public Library- Virtual Library 117 Union Street, Santa Cruz

Make the most of your camera and Google Photos. Join us for a discussion about storing and sharing photos on your Android mobile device. We will also cover the features included with the built-in Camera and Google Photos app. We hope you will join us! Tech Talks are not your typical computer class. These are […]


A Call to Action: Inspired by ‘Not in Our Town’ films

Santa Cruz Public Library- Virtual Library 117 Union Street, Santa Cruz

Si prefiere ver la información de este evento en español, haga clic aquí. This is a bilingual program with live, simultaneous Spanish interpretation. As part of the national United Against Hate Week movement, SCPL has partnered with Santa Cruz County United for Safe and Inclusive Communities (SCCUSIC) to bring community members together through films, conversations […]


Tech Talks: News Strategies & Apps (Apple/Android)

Santa Cruz Public Library- Virtual Library 117 Union Street, Santa Cruz

Are you in control of your information diet? Join us for a discussion about news feeds, news apps and local happenings. We'll share our strategies and look forward to learning what works best for you. Tech Talks are not your typical computer class. These are hands-on workshops that help us better understand our mobile devices. […]


Genealogical Society Lecture Series: , with Terry Jackson

Santa Cruz Public Library- Virtual Library 117 Union Street, Santa Cruz

Terry Jackson’s family has been submitting family histories to what is now called FamilySearch for many, many years. As that information has come online, it has provided lots of interesting stories and has helped to clear up some family mysteries. Using some examples from his own research, Terry will demonstrate how FamilySearch can help us […]


JavaScript Coding

Santa Cruz Public Library- Virtual Library 117 Union Street, Santa Cruz

This program will follow the curriculum from Khan Academy called “Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation”. It covers fundamental ideas of computer science, and helps students learn one of the most popular programming languages right now, JavaScript. The curriculum has 18 modules, each with a few videos, short readings, and hands-on activities. Notable modules include […]
